Association for Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT), Eider Africa and Xponentially organizations are pleased to invite you to a two- part webinar series taking place on 17th September 2020 and 1st October 2020 both at 10 – 12.30 pm.

The aim of these interactive webinar series is to provide a platform for stakeholders in higher education and beyond, to reflect and share their perspectives on how we can change mindsets and enhance transformative research capacity development policies and practices in African universities. There is a disconnect between training of upcoming scholars and their real experiences when conducting research, and in their professional life as researchers. As such, our discussion will draw insights from case studies in the continent that are applying transformative approaches in research capacity development and suggest ways in which we can improve our practice. Your presence is highly welcome.

We invite you register for the two webinars

Event Address: via Zoom – link to be sent 24 hours before the event with details of the panelists
Contact us at or +254 738 831234 (Joyce Waringa)

First Webinar: Changing Mindsets
An interactive session focused on engaging participants in reflecting on their own mindsets and hearing from a successful case study on changing how research training is conducted in Kenya.
Presenters: Kathleen Vaughan/Xponentially and Dr. Rosemary Nyaole/Daystar University
Date: Thursday 17th September 2020
Time: 10am to 12:30 pm

Second Webinar: Transforming Research Training in Universities of Africa
A Panel discussion with
1. Dr. Godwin Murunga – Executive Secretary – CODESRIA – Senegal
2. Mr. Darius Mogaka Ogutu – Director, University Education, Ministry of Education – Kenya
3. Dr. Kendi Muchugi – Lecturer, African Nazarene University and AFELT- Kenya
4. Dr. E. Akinyi- Owino – Lecturer, Moi University – Kenya
5. Ms. Aurelia Munene- Executive Director Eider Africa – Kenya

Date : Thursday 1st October 2020
Time: 10:00 am to 12.30 pm

Register for the workshop here

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