
ICED24 Conference

Covid-19 Pandemic closures and the post-pandemic learning experiences have expanded the thinking around facilitating learning for transformation. The learning facilitators were immersed in a new learning environment that required balancing between traditional and technology-enhanced approaches to facilitating learning. New competencies were built through doing, observing, and creating new knowledge. More demands were made on how we manage the new learning environments and more players entered into this new learning environment.

During the ICED24, being the second conference post-pandemic, we will explore the competencies we have acquired and deem necessary for the future of transformative learning. We will deeply explore what innovative and supportive ecosystems are required to support transformative learning and drive our agenda in educational development to promote the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Kindly see the call for abstracts


Teaching for reflective learning workshop

The Association for Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT) is keen on enriching the learning and teaching processes in our higher education sector to ensure that faculty facilitate learning for significant learning and transformation. Based on our objective to develop the scholarship of teaching and learning, members are developed to reflect on their own learning and transformation. 

AFELT has organized a workshop on Teaching for critical reflective thinking .Critical reflection is an approach to teaching: a pedagogy. Have you ever integrated Critical Reflective thinking in your teaching? Do you want to share or learn how to? Join AFELT workshop on July 28th, 2023 at Kenyatta University for a half day workshop. 

Critical reflection is a process of thinking and learning that helps us make meaning of new information, connect it to our existing knowledge and experiences, and consider the implications for our actions. It helps in developing new insights, challenge existing assumptions, and transform existing perspectives. It is a necessary skill that builds a questioning attitude, fosters student-teacher relationships, promotes innovation and makes the lessons engaging and interesting. Critical reflection is the link between thinking and doing and the key ingredient for transformation.

Training: Designing Assessments for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

As Higher Education Professionals, we have the mandate to ensure that knowledge is impactful and transforms the students. Universities prepare students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Our assessment have however been guided by the need to pass the exam with a good grade and for promotion. It does not drive the learning and is not transformative. Learning is not the central focus of the assessment process. This has contributed to slow integration in the job as graduates do not have the required competences for work. This workshop prepares us to integrate significant assessments that drive learning.

As professionals in higher education, we seek to guide students to create their own futures. During this training, we will explore the role of assessment in developing critical thinking and problem solving competences in our students. The training will focus on designing authentic assessments for learning.

You are invited to participate in this training. Kindly come prepared with one course for which you will design an assessment for significant learning: Focus will be to Assess for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. To register click the link below:

Date:  May 26, 2023 Time:  09:00 am to 02:00 pm Venue :  Kenya Methodist University(Nairobi)
Contact  Tel:    +254796646688       Email:  

Register :

2nd International Conference on the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (I-SoLT) 2023


The Association of Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT) is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2nd I-SoLT Conference. The conference aims to demonstrate and document best practices in higher education that will facilitate graduates capable of creating themselves, the futures of the region, and solving real world challenges.

2nd International Conference on the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (I-SoLT) 2023

Theme:            Creating the Future through Higher Education

Date:               March 7-8, 2023

Venue:            Hotel Boulevard, Nairobi Kenya 


  1. Pedagogy: Teaching and learning philosophies and methods that facilitate transformation.
  2. 21st Century Learning Environments: Learning spaces, both physical and virtual, that facilitate transformation.
  3. Graduates Solving 21st Century Problems: Curriculum and practices that help our learners to become change-makers and problem-solvers. 
  4. Assessment for Transformative Learners: Making the assessment of learning, a transformative learning process.
  5. Synergies for Academia and the World of Work: Building energized partnerships between the academy and the professions.
  6. Creating a Global Presence for African Higher Education: Creating an African higher education voice and presence in the academic world.
Conference ChargesImportant Dates
AFELT MembersKES. 6,000.00Submission of Abstracts15th January, 2023
Presenters from East AfricaKES.10,000.00Submission of full papers31st January, 2023 
International PresentersUSD.120Registration20th February, 2023 
Exhibition: GoldKES.15,000.00  
Exhibition: SilverKES.10,000.00  
Exhibition: BronzeKES.7,500.00  

Mode of Payment:

Mpesa Pay bill:         400200

Account number:      01120488941900

Branch:                      Cooperative Bank T-Mall

Branch Code:            00011123

Swift Code: KCOOKENA

Instructions for Submission

Abstracts: Presenters should submit an abstract in MS Word soft copy in English language by 15th January 2023. The abstract should not be more than 300 words, single spaced, written in Times New Roman with a font size 12. The abstract should include: The title Author(s) full name and institution of affiliation, Email address, and mobile number of the corresponding author.

Full papers should have between 3,000 and 5,000 words (excluding references): Use 12-pt Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing, (MS Word) APA referencing style, 7th edition.


For further information regarding the conference, please contact us through the email: or +254 796 646 688 (Ms. Joyce Waringa).

Meeting ID: 898 9802 8707
Passcode: 168752

The aim of these interactive webinar series is to provide a platform for stakeholders in higher education and beyond, to reflect and share their perspectives on how we can change mindsets and enhance transformative research capacity development policies and practices in African universities. There is a disconnect between training of upcoming scholars and their real experiences when conducting research, and in their professional life as researchers.  As such, our discussion will draw insights from case studies in the continent that are applying transformative approaches in research capacity development and suggest ways in which we can improve our practice.  Your presence is highly welcome.

Join us for a panel discussion with
1. Dr. Godwin Murunga – Executive Secretary – CODESRIA – Senegal
2. Mr. Darius Mogaka Ogutu – Director, University Education, Ministry of Education – Kenya
3. Dr.  Kendi Muchugi – Lecturer, African Nazarene University  and AFELT- Kenya
4. Dr. E. Akinyi- Owino – Lecturer, Moi University – Kenya
5. Ms. Aurelia Munene- Executive Director Eider Africa – Kenya
Date : Thursday 1st October 2020
Time: 10:00 am to 12.30 pm


Association for Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT), Eider Africa and Xponentially organizations are pleased to invite you to a two- part webinar series taking place on 17th September 2020 and 1st October 2020 both at 10 – 12.30 pm.

The aim of these interactive webinar series is to provide a platform for stakeholders in higher education and beyond, to reflect and share their perspectives on how we can change mindsets and enhance transformative research capacity development policies and practices in African universities. There is a disconnect between training of upcoming scholars and their real experiences when conducting research, and in their professional life as researchers. As such, our discussion will draw insights from case studies in the continent that are applying transformative approaches in research capacity development and suggest ways in which we can improve our practice. Your presence is highly welcome.

We invite you register for the two webinars

Event Address: via Zoom – link to be sent 24 hours before the event with details of the panelists
Contact us at or +254 738 831234 (Joyce Waringa)

First Webinar: Changing Mindsets
An interactive session focused on engaging participants in reflecting on their own mindsets and hearing from a successful case study on changing how research training is conducted in Kenya.
Presenters: Kathleen Vaughan/Xponentially and Dr. Rosemary Nyaole/Daystar University
Date: Thursday 17th September 2020
Time: 10am to 12:30 pm

Second Webinar: Transforming Research Training in Universities of Africa
A Panel discussion with
1. Dr. Godwin Murunga – Executive Secretary – CODESRIA – Senegal
2. Mr. Darius Mogaka Ogutu – Director, University Education, Ministry of Education – Kenya
3. Dr. Kendi Muchugi – Lecturer, African Nazarene University and AFELT- Kenya
4. Dr. E. Akinyi- Owino – Lecturer, Moi University – Kenya
5. Ms. Aurelia Munene- Executive Director Eider Africa – Kenya

Date : Thursday 1st October 2020
Time: 10:00 am to 12.30 pm

Register for the workshop here

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Being Felt in East Africa: AFELT focused on systemic change in the last two years. Guiding on how best to become a transformative facilitator of learning. Working with partner universities, we have had the opportunity to build multipliers that will transform how learning happens.

During the 2020 AGM, members will seek to establish how best to extend our impact in the region. Join us on September 25 at 10:00 via Zoom and contribute to our discussions.